
Right under one of the most prestigious museums in the world, we had the pleasure and honor of collaborating in the creation of a small commercial space designed for the sale of jewelery. Two self-supporting display cabinets in wood and glass with integrated alarm systems,...

Merotto Milani has restored furniture and decorative items in French style, supply and installation for the Prestige Lounge with high quality items such as antique burnished brass mirrors, counters and structures display in marble and finished in gold leaf....

After 15 years of colossal works, the Samaritaine, a Mecca of Parisian commerce, has been redesigned from top to bottom. In a splendid Art Nouveau style where the majesty of an immense glass roof will overhang you, surrounded by sumptuous frescoes that are likely to...

Management of the entire job as general contractor. From demolitions, installations to the furnishings of the store area with structures, display counters and cash counters, wooden and natural iron, restaurant area with bar counter, coffee tables and seats, office area with partition walls and smart...

Merotto Milani completed Red Fox Saint Petersburg store and as soon as we have finished this amazing climbing wall we can't help being tempted to climb it with our brand new Red Fox equipment! Design and art direction by Wagner Associati AKA Studio WEA....